Wondering if bulging disc therapy is in your near future? Chiropractors are the go-to health care professional for those who have one or more bulging disc in their spine. While bulging discs were once thought to be a normal part of aging, this is simply not true.
About bulging discs
Considering undergoing bulging disc therapy? If you are someone who has recently been diagnosed with a bulging disc in your back, therapy is necessary in order to improve the condition. A bulging disc, which is a spinal disc that is bulging out of its space and requires treatment, is not the same thing as a herniated disc. Untreated, bulging discs often result in herniated discs, which tend to be even more painful.
Chiropractic treatment is a non-invasive treatment option, making it a good first therapy option for those diagnosed with a bulging disc. One of the more popular chiropractic methods used to treat bulging discs is the Gonstead method.
About the Gonstead method
The Gonstead method uses low force techniques to help heal patients. There are five different components of the Gonstead method, all of which are used to help determine how to address each individual chiropractic patient. These five components include X-rays, static palpitation, instrumentation, visualization and symptomatology. The fact that this particular chiropractic method uses careful analysis to correct a patient's spine problems makes it a safe and effective method.
This particular chiropractic method specifically focuses on the overall health of a patient's spinal discs. While a bulging disc will cause some level of discomfort or pain, it also often causes the nearby spinal nerves to become irritated. This irritation can lead to the patient experiencing additional spine-related problems, making treatment necessary for good spinal health. Once it is determined that a patient is in need of chiropractic treatment to address one or more bulging discs in their back, the Gonstead method is often preferred due to its minimally invasive approach.
Bulging disc symptoms
In order for someone to understand whether or not their back pain is due to a bulging disc, they need to be evaluated by a healthcare professional. Some of the more common symptoms associated with a bulging disc include tingling, numbness, muscle weakness in one or both legs, pain when moving the neck, pain in between the shoulder blades and radiating pain in one's arms and fingers. Those who are experiencing one or more of these symptoms need to take the next step by making an appointment.
Have questions?
Have any questions about bulging disc therapy after reading the above information? Now that it is understood that chiropractors can treat patients who have a bulging disc, those who have been diagnosed with this spine-related problem can make a consultation appointment for more information. The Gonstead method is ideal for addressing bulging disc problems and is one of the more popular chiropractic methods used today.
Are you considering undergoing bulging disc therapy in the Napa area? Get more information at https://www.victoryspinecenternapa.com.
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