Visit a Chiropractor for Bulging Disc Therapy

Bulging Disc Therapy Napa, CA

For back pain, you may need bulging disc therapy. This treatment can be effective in giving you the flexibility and range of motion you need. You may first think about visiting your general physician for relief. However, a chiropractor has the knowledge and training to help you manage the soreness and discomfort you need. The chiropractor will also use nonsurgical and drug-free methods. As you learn about the techniques the chiropractor will use, you can feel comfortable with this therapy.

Understanding what happens with a bulging disc

Back pain is common among young adults, the middle-aged, and the elderly. These feelings can be debilitating and persist for months or even years. A bulging disc is one of the most common conditions that cause back pain. This occurs when the soft center of the disc starts to push through the tougher outer portion. When this happens, the person may experience numbness or tingling in the extremities. Weakness can also result, making it difficult for the person to walk or raise their arms.

How this condition occurs

The need for bulging disc therapy is more common with older people. As a person ages, the discs wear down. This makes them more prone to bulging and pinching nerves. Injuries can also cause a bulging disc. Strain on the back from repeated twisting or stretching motions can have the same effect.

Benefits of going to the chiropractor

Chiropractors focus on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of musculoskeletal conditions. The chiropractor offers a different approach than a medical doctor would take. With chiropractic work, the patient undergoes stretching and exercise therapy to overcome the symptoms of a bulging disc. The chiropractor can help the body heal itself so the individual can resume regular activities without being in extreme pain.

Getting an adjustment for bulging disc therapy

To combat a bulging disc, as with other types of back pain, the chiropractor will perform an adjustment. This technique allows the chiropractor to manipulate the spine, moving it into the proper place. By doing this, all the joints are aligned. The bulging discs that may be pressing upon a nerve are no longer in that position.

To do this, the chiropractor has the patient lie on a table. The chiropractor places his or her hands on the person’s back. Then, using sudden, controlled force, the chiropractor moves the spine. This can not only reduce pain, but it can also improve the person’s flexibility and range of motion.

More treatment details

For bulging disc therapy, the patient will usually come into the office a few days a week. The process will often last for several weeks or months. Specific treatment plans will vary, depending on how severe the bulging disc is. The adjustment itself will only take a few minutes. The chiropractor will also help the patient with stretches and may offer massages as well.

Live free of back pain again

Aches and pains are part of life, but they do not have to rule your life. With the help of a chiropractor, you can have bulging disc therapy and solve your concerns. Make an appointment today so that you can get started. You can once again enjoy your everyday activities without feeling uncomfortable.

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